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In Gratitude

IN GRATITUDE! This is the title of my September 2016 Article for SIBYL MAGAZINE: For the Spirit and Soul of Woman. This article is dedicated to the fabulous women who encouraged me on this journey - Cynthia Hutchison, Lisa Gordon, Walle Adams-Gerdts, Nancy Lester, Barbara Starke and Christina Trendler. I invite you all to join over 30,000+ wise-women in readership who already enjoy their monthly dose of wisdom, inspiration & insight! Visit and sign up for your subscription. Hugs to you all!

Gratitude: a constant attitude of thankfulness and appreciation for life as it unfolds, being open to the abundance around us and within us.

It all begins with Einstein and his theory that everything is energy. We are energetic beings having a human experience! 16 years ago I was introduced to an energy medicine practice known as Healing Touch Program. I had no idea where this journey would take me back then. I took my time completing the certification process to become a practitioner as there was so much going on in my life after the loss of my husband. Nursing school and graduation, oncology nursing studies and certification, along with relocating to Maryland to start a new life were just a few of life’s challenges that I faced.

This beautiful heart-centered practice taught me the techniques to utilize to become centered, grounded and in tune with my own self-care needs for my health and well-being in order to be able to help others on their own healing journey with ease and grace. Words cannot express how grateful I am for how my life has unfolded with an abundance of appreciation, charity, courage, humility, joy, love, and wisdom. I have been blessed in so many ways by sharing my gifts as an energy medicine healer with military cancer patients and their families, clients of varying backgrounds, and friends and family. This work has positively impacted so many lives over the years and continues to do so.

Last month I was in Charlotte, NC for the 2016 Healing Touch Worldwide Conference – A Healers’ Retreat. I was pinned by Lisa Mentgen-Gordon (CEO) and Cynthia Hutchison (Program Director) as a Healing Touch Certified Instructor at our Instructor Gathering with the rest of my peers who are new instructors or have served as instructors for many years. The two women who supported me through this part of my journey, Nancy Lester and Walle Adams-Gerdts, were in attendance as well. Barbara Starke, my Level 4 instructor, who put the idea in my head years ago, was also in attendance. I don’t believe that this honor would have been bestowed upon me without all of these women to encourage and support me along the way.

Healing Touch practitioners and instructors from around the world attended the conference. It was focused on allowing permission to take time for our own healing and self-care. The founder of Healing Touch Program, Janet Mentgen, modeled the belief that one needs to “walk the walk” in order to “talk the talk.” As spiritual beings that function in a science based world, we need to nurture and take care of ourselves, as well as expand our minds in order to assist others with their own healing for body, mind and spirit.

Living in gratitude has provided balance and harmony in my life! What contributes to your attitude of gratitude?

Maryland, USA


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