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Full Circle of Appreciation

FULL CIRCLE OF APPRECIATION! Many thanks to Joe Bongiorno, Doug Hammer and Louis Landon, and most of all to my Mother, Helen Ryckman for bringing me into this world! I love you and forever hold you in my heart! Because of you, I met these fabulous solo pianists who shared their beautiful music in honor of our military cancer patients and their families.

This is the title of my August 2016 Article for SIBYL MAGAZINE: For the Spirit and Soul of Woman. I invite you all to join over 30,000+ wise-women in readership who already enjoy their monthly dose of wisdom, inspiration & insight! Visit and sign up for your subscription. Hugs to you all!

The Universe has an amazing way of allowing things to unfold, once you take the time to appreciate and understand that what you ask the Universe for will come back to you when you are ready to receive.

Two weeks after my mother left this earthly plane in August of 2011, I felt the need to write to her and let her know I was missing her. I gathered my journal, IPhone and ear buds and headed to the park. I wanted to listen to solo piano music. When I put those words in the radio search engine, a pianist by the name of Joe Bongiorno came up on the screen. The album title was “At Peace,” and the song title, “Longing.” I realized my mother was letting me know that she knew I was longing for her and that she was at peace. I fell in love with Joe’s music and envisioned him playing a benefit for military cancer patients and their families.

In April 2014, I headed to Sedona, AZ for my birthday celebration. My friend, Chris, and I found out that Joe was playing a concert locally the night of my birthday. Joe and his fiancée, Amy Janelle, were hosting another solo pianist, Doug Hammer that evening. Again, I fell in love with their music, Toward the end of the evening, Joe announced that Louis Landon, a fellow pianist and close friend, was in the audience and invited him up to play. Louis bounced up the middle of the Sanctuary and played a very energetic piece that made Chris and I look at each other in awe.

Joe called the next day and he said he felt badly that he only played 3 songs for me on my birthday. He invited Chris and I over to his home the next day for a private concert. I felt so honored that this kind and talented man would take the time out to spend time with us and share his talent. What an evening it was! Joe inquired about my vision for the benefit concert honoring our military cancer patients and their families. We discussed the details at length and the first benefit concert was held in November 2014.

That concert led to two other benefit concerts with Doug Hammer performing in November 2015, followed by Louis Landon performing on May 7th, 2016 on the Eve of Mother’s Day. My entire being was so full of pride and joy that evening as I shared this story with the audience. As I announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Louis Landon is in the house,” I could feel my Mother’s presence. It was at that moment that I realized how my original vision had come full circle. I felt such a sense of appreciation for the Universe allowing all of this to unfold. What a beautiful way to have things come full circle!

Maryland, USA


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