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Courage, Clarity and New Beginnings

I loved my career as an oncology nurse taking care of military cancer patients and their families. It was what I knew for the past 10 plus years and was damn good at. Yet, something was missing. Gone were the days when I woke up and was happy to be heading into clinic. I began to feel as though my work surroundings were getting smaller, almost to the point of feeling claustrophobic.

My joy was providing energy medicine sessions to the patient population, yet the availability to do so was becoming less frequent. My private energy medicine practice was doing well outside of my nursing career and I grew to understand that my heart belonged to enhancing that practice.

This past June, I visited a local Himalayan Salt Cave near my home. I had read the advertisements over the previous year and kept meaning to stop by and see what it was all about. I met Janine, the woman who owns this beautiful healing sanctuary. There was an instant connection between the two of us as though we had known each other for a long time.

I began to offer energy medicine sessions and classes last August at the Bethesda Salt Cave. In November, Janine approached me and said she was looking for a business partner and thought we’d be a great fit. She said she “wanted my business acumen and goddessness.” I was honored and nervous. Yet, I knew in my heart that the Universe was offering this at the right time in my life. 2016 is an even year and a leap year, an excellent time to leap forward and pursue one’s dreams.

I’ve been working with a deck of Messages of Universal Wisdom Empowerment Cards for some time now. These cards are great tools to support one’s personal journey. When I began to consider making this major career change in December, I shuffled the deck and the “Courage” card was revealed. I knew at that moment that the Universe was guiding me to embrace the courage to pursue my dream.

Two weeks later, I chose the “Clarity” card. Every time I considered leaving the clinic and leaping forward to become a partner and enhance my energy medicine practice, I could clearly see how beautiful this journey was going to be. The next card that was revealed a few weeks before giving notice and the New Year was “New Beginnings.” The message received was to “focus on my dreams, take advantage of new beginnings and contribute to the creation of the New Earth.”

I’ve done just that! Janine and I have begun 2016 as business partners. We both share the same dreams and look forward to sharing this healing arts practice with those who seek balance and harmony in their own lives.

Maryland, USA


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